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I came to Condor unprepared and not knowing of what lay ahead. However, God was still able to work in my heart by teaching me that He is always in control. Being a daughter of a pastor, I came from a background where I usually knew all the plans but in Condor I did not have that title or security. I quickly learned that I was putting my life in the hands of my teammates and our mission was so much bigger than me feeling secure and comfortable. If I would have known about the physical and social demands of this mission before I committed to going, I don’t know that I would have gone. Instead, by not having any control over the circumstances, I blindly came into a situation where I left seeing and experiencing God’s work like I had never witnessed before.  The living situation in Condor was very different from my American lifestyle but it opened my eyes to how a significant portion of the world lives. My team and I got to live with a couple who had to survive from one day to the n

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